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adult man and woman smiling

Founders & Pastors Dr. Mrs. Oluchi and Dr. Damian Ayichi

We live and serve in the love and truth of God.
a group of people smiling


River Bethesda Ministries International, Inc. is a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS code formed exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes.

River Bethesda Ministries International, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit Christian organization in the state of Maryland, USA, with headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. RBMI has its doctrinal foundation based on the Holy Bible, which is the inerrant and infallible word of God.

Our Origin: River Bethesda Ministries International, Inc. was born on November 17th, 2004 when two sisters came to pray with the Ayichi family following the birth of one of their children. The ministry initially had its weekly meetings in the residence of the Ayichi’s until December 2011 when it relocated to a rented suite.

Our Mission

To motivate, train, equip, and empower for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, and the knowledge of the Son and His resurrection power, till we come to the full measure of Christ. As a religious and charitable organization, we provide both spiritual and material assistance to the less privileged in the society.

Our Vision

To preach the gospel to all nations with signs and wonders following.


The Scriptures: The Holy Bible in its entire 66 Books was written by men under divine inspiration and it contains the eternal Words of God by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be measured.

The Trinity: There is one and only one true and living God, Jehovah, the Alpha and Omega, who exists in three distinctive persons: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit, working harmoniously according to divine order for the redemption of man.

Sin: Man was created in God’s image perfect and holy. However, through the sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve, all mankind became sinners and have come short of the glory of God, and thus faced condemnation and eternal death.

Redemption: To be saved from eternal condemnation, all sinners must be restored or be born-again by the Holy Spirit; for whoever shall call on the name of Christ Jesus as Lord, is redeemed through His blood.

Justification: Just as man inherited sinful nature from Adam and Eve, the gift of justification and righteousness is freely given to all believers through the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. This justification is not limited to the pardon of sin, but includes the promise of abundant life while on earth and thereafter eternal life, because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ and not in consideration of any works we have done, lest any man should boast.

Sanctification: Having been justified by grace, we are called to be set apart unto holiness on a daily basis through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us.

Grace: We are the chosen or the elect of God saved by grace, and not by our works or righteousness, and yet the foregoing is consistent with the free agency of man, whom God has given the will to make choices.

Church: The church is the Body of Christ, consisting of the congregation of all believers, and that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church.

Baptism: Baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, as a symbol of partaking in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which signifies an outward manifestation of an inward experience of one’s death to sin and resurrection to a new life.

Lord’s Supper/ Communion: The Body of Christ (church) is commanded to observe the Holy Communion by the sacred use of bread and wine (juice) as representing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to commemorate His death and second coming.

Stewardship: As Christians, our physical body is the temple of The Holy Spirit and that all our resources are God’s gift. Therefore, we ought to use our bodies, talents, material resources as God’s servants, ambassadors to further the gospel.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ: We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, and that all humans who have ever lived will appear before God at the last judgment; that the saved in Christ will be rewarded for their deeds and ushered into eternal life in the presence of God, while the unsaved will be punished for their deeds and committed to eternal damnation in hell.


  • Founders & Pastors: Dr. (Mrs) Oluchi and Dr. Damian Ayichi
  • Ministers: Constance Anele and Ejike Obineme
group of people smiling